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Privacy Policy

Notice: Before using this website, you shall read the following terms carefully. By continuing to use this website, it means you know and agree these terms and conditions. If not, please do not use this website.


1. Copyright Notice

All the content on www.zoomlionmining.com --- the website of Zoomlion Mining Machinery website. (hereinafter referred to as "this website") is only for personal not commercial use. For the content involved in the copyright and other ownerships, you should show your respect and store it on its duplicate. If there is no copyright notice of website content, it doesn't stand for that the website has no right for it and abandon the right. Based on the faith principle, you should respect the legal right of content and use the content legally. Any way intending to modify, copy, openly present, publish and spread the content is forbidden, let alone the way of using it for commercial purpose. Besides, any intention of using the content on other websites, media and Internet environment is forbidden. All the content and compilation on this website is protected legally by copyright laws. Any unauthorized use is likely to violate our copyright, trademark and other legal rights. If you don't accept or violate the above conditions, the authorization of using this website is terminated automatically. Meanwhile, you shall immediately delete and destroy all the content you have downloaded and/or printed.


2. Information Issue

The information on this site is provided as is, without any form of guarantee, including guarantees of marketability, suitability for specific purposes, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights. In addition, Zoomlion does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the information on this site. The content on the website of Zoomlion or the products, prices and configurations introduced in these contents are subject to change at any time and are for reference only. Zoomlion does not promise to update them and assumes no legal responsibility. The information published on this site may be products, programs or services that are not yet available in your local area. You can consult your local Zoomlion business contacts and agents.


3. About Materials Users Submit

Except for personally identifiable information, any other materials, information or contact information (hereinafter collectively referred to as information) sent or mailed to this site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. Zoomlion will not assume any obligation for this information. At the same time, if your submission is not specifically stated, it can be regarded as consent (or authorization): Zoomlion and its licensors will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, merge and use in other ways for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This information and all data, images, sounds, texts and other content. Your use of this site must not violate laws, regulations and public morals, and you must not post or send any illegal, threatening, defamatory, slanderous, obscene, pornographic or other potentially illegal materials to or from this site. If the relevant person raises a warning or objection to the content and impact of this information, the site can delete the information at any time or suspend the online browsing of the information indefinitely, without having to obtain the consent of the submitter in advance, and without obligation afterwards Notify the submitter that if the situation is serious, this site can take measures to cancel the user.


4. User communication content   

Zoomlion is not responsible for monitoring or reviewing the information sent or mailed by users on this site or any information in any field communicated with each other separately, including but not limited to chat rooms, bulletin boards or other user forums, and any exchange content. Zoomlion is not responsible for the content of any such exchanges, regardless of whether they may cause defamation, privacy, obscenity or other issues. Zoomlion reserves the right to delete information that contains insults, defamation, obscenity or other undesirable content upon discovery.


5. Use of software downloaded from this site

If you download software from this site, you must abide by all the license terms in the software license agreement that the software carries when using the software. Before you read and accept the terms of the software license agreement, you may not download or install this software.

6. Links to the Third-party Websites

Links from this site to third-party websites are provided to you only as a convenient service. You'll leave this site when clicking these hyperlinks. Zoomlion has not reviewed any third-party websites, and does not control these websites and their content, and does not assume any responsibility. If you decide to visit any third-party website linked to this site, you will be solely responsible for the possible results and risks.


7. Limitation of Liability   

Zoomlion and its suppliers or third parties mentioned in this site are not responsible for any damages (including but not limited to lost profits, lost data or damage caused by business interruption), regardless of whether these damages are due to use , Or the results of the inability to use this site, any website linked to this site, or any information contained in any such site, regardless of whether they have guarantees, contracts, torts or any other legal basis and have obtained such information in advance. Advice on possible damage. If you need to maintain, repair or correct equipment or data due to the use of the information on this site, you should be aware that you must bear all the costs caused by this.


8. General principles

Zoomlion may modify these terms at any time. You should visit this page frequently to understand the current terms, because these terms are closely related to you. Some provisions of these terms may also be replaced by legal notices or terms clearly specified on certain pages of this site.


9. Any dispute generated because of this notice and using this website is available for The Law of the People's Republic of China.


10. Any dispute generated because of this notice and using this website shall be treated through negotiation. If negotiation doesn't work, it should be submitted to the local court of head office of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science&Technology Co., Ltd..


11. The right to interpret this notice and this website use is owned by Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science&Technology Co., Ltd..



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